The Power of the Now In some of my classes and I teach a very specific type of journaling method. It is a technique that I often use myself and over …
A heartfelt thank you to Christina for this edition of Be-Inspired: GANDHISM Dr. Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi and founder of the M.K.Gandhi Institute for Non-violence, in his June 9 …
The Five Elements to Ensuring a Lasting Romantic Relationship “Most people have experienced glimpses of truly ecstatic Intimate Communion: moments of loving so expansive that you lose awareness of your …
A Simple Way to Overcome Fear of Confrontation Have you ever hesitated confronting someone? This could be your employer, perhaps a friend, a spouse, or even a client? Most of …
When you think of the holidays that are coming up, are some of your first and/or your dominant feelings of… ~Dreadful family time either with your parents or with your in-laws …
What is synchronicity? (You may wish to read through this article more than once to gain full value of its meaning.) The word ‘synchronicity’ was first coined by one of …
There is no way around the fact that humans have emotions. In fact I have yet to meet an individual who does not have emotions. Emotions come in all sorts, …
“Inspiration is an expression your soul makes when you are sharing your gifts with the world.” -Joshua Zuchter All to often, the choices we make, for a career, are made …
Practicing Compassion -This week’s e-zine was inspired by a subscriber of Be-Inspired who asked about a relationship challenge she was having. “A friend was telling me about a challenge she …
One of the most powerful tools for creating the life that you desire is affirmations – also known as mantras in the east. Affirmations and mantras has been practiced around …